
Cheat Lego Indiana Jones 2 : The Adventures Continues

Satu lagi g
ame Lego yang sangat menantang, dan tentunya Fun ,... neh cheat2nya,....

Red, Blue and Green Bricks Unlock Codes

Entry Location:
Press Start during gameplay and enter.

Fast Fix - 3Z7PJX
Invincibility - 6JBB65
Silhouettes - FQGPYH
Score X3 - PEHHPZ
Score X8 - S5UZCP
Fast Build - SNXC2F
Poo Money - SZFAAE
Fearless - TUXNZF
Ice Rink - TY9P4U
Score X2 - U38VJP
Beep Beep - UU3VSC
Score X4 - UXGTB3

Score X10 - V7JYBU
Score X6 - XWJ5EY
Fast Dig - XYAN83
Disguise - Y9TE98

PXT4UP - Alien
7VLKAF - Biplane
YLG2TN - Hot Rod
BC5PTY - Rolls-Royce: Phantom
RM3E84 - Stunt Plane

EGSM5B - Coin Magnet
2U7YCV - Snake Whip

7EQF47 - Boxer
WL4T6N - Dovchenko
PGWSEA - Indiana Jones: 1
FGLKY5 - Indiana Jones: 2
DZFY9S - Indiana Jones: Collect
8BDJG5 - Indiana Jones: CS
M4C34K - Indiana Jones: Desert
2W8QR3 - Indiana Jones: Disguised
QUNZUT - Indiana Jones: DJ
J2XS97 - Indiana Jones: Kali
3FQFKS - Indiana Jones: Officer
7AWX3J - Lao Che
P4PCDY - Mac
U7SMVK - Mannequin: Adult Female
QPWDMM - Mannequin: Adult Male
3PG5EL - Mannequin: Child Female
2UJQWC - Mannequin: Child Male

82RMC2 - Mola Ram
2GK562 - Mutt
4C5AKH - Professor Henry Jones
FTL48S - Rene Belloq
E88YRP - Salah
94RUAJ - Willie: Singer

Cheat Lego Indiana Jones 2 : The Adventures Continues Cheat Lego Indiana Jones 2 : The Adventures Continues Reviewed by Fachrul on 9:56 PM Rating: 5

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