
New Release Game : MAFIA II

The second part of the Mafia, the legendary gangster action game developed in 2002 by a team of Illusion Softworks.
Mafia 2 is a continuation issued in 2002, the game Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven by Illusion Softworks. For the second part corresponds to the same team, which since 2008 is known under a different name (2K Czech Republic).

Although Mafia II is a continuation, presents a completely separate story. This does not mean that an extensive plot predecessor was forgotten - the talon is a lot of references and flavors, easy to read for the fans. However, changing the main characters, time and place of action. You play because the character Vito Scalettiego, when he concluded his military service, and in winter 1946 years back to the house - the monumental Empire Bay (10 square miles), which is in fact an adaptation of New York City virtual (mapped in a rather loose way, along with several characteristic structures, such as the Empire State Building or Brooklyn Bridge.) Metropolis is composed of several different areas (eg, Chinatown, industrial Millville, Port Oysterbay and Southport, a land rich Klingstone), among which the most important for this story are of course Little Italy (Little Italy). Vito, and his friend Joe Barbaro, trying to find themselves back in that reality. However, do not intend to hire in the docks as a cheap labor force. Waiting for them because "career" in the criminal world, in the ranks of one of the local Mafia family.
Changing the period during which happens to shares, means a new, even more cruel reality and a slightly different style (also faster cars). The second edition of the series offers much more flexibility than the original. Instead of a single "family" we get the possibility to bet on one of the three parties. Of course, supporting one faction usually leads to bad relations with others, and sometimes even war. The story itself was divided into two main sections, leading to one of several possible endings. The content of the game is primarily carried out by our tasks, which determine our position and reputation. Anyone who has seen films about the Mafia, he knows what to expect - extortion, kidnapping, robbery and help the members of our "family." All this stapled an interesting main plot, full of twists, tension and the characteristic black humor.
Besides, the city is waiting for us a lot of attractions, both legal and illegal. So we can steal vehicles, (the fast, the shattering of the glass, or subtly, by hacking), selecting the fifty models modeled on real-life brands, and then refine and modify them in the workshop. If anyone would prefer a more formal methods can simply buy a car. Cars are not the only benefit offered by the shops - and the clothes are (sometimes useful when the police chasing us), food, and even the option to buy your own four corners.
The game world notes the passing of time - in terms of both day and night cycle and the changing seasons - but this is somewhat dependent on the plot. Range of new skills gained as our patient is calm, which can be a fist fight with more punches and jump over fences.
Mafia II was performed on a new graphics engine. With his help - as in the first part - well above all the faces mapped characters, their facial expressions (for which he is responsible for more than 30 facial muscles), and animation. This makes large quantities presented in cutscenes, executed on the graphics engine, gives the impression of almost directed films with live actors.

System Requirements
Pentium D 3 GHz, 1.5 GB RAM, graphic card 256 MB (GeForce 8600 or better), 8 GB HDD, Video Windows XP/Vista/7
New Release Game : MAFIA II New Release Game : MAFIA II Reviewed by Fachrul on 8:38 AM Rating: 5

1 comment

  1. Bener2 ajib neh game.... serasa jadi Mafia.......
    Patut di coba............. Recomended

