
The Witcher 2 : Assasins Of Kings

Story's background

After helping to stop the rebellion undertaken by the Order of Flaming Rose and saving King Foltest’s life, Geralt became one of the central figures of political turmoil in the Kingdom of Temeria. The witcher continues to protect the King in his mission to restore peace in the country. The last bastion of the Order yielded to the royal army. The only remaining task is to pacify the rebellious castle of Baroness La Valette, who announced separation from the Kingdom. It’s been a month since the attempted assassination of the King, when his army arrives at the gates of Baroness's fortress, preparing for the final battle. In the meantime, Geralt, stuck with Foltest, cannot begin his personal quest - to discover the origin and identity of the mysterious witcher-like assassin responsible for the attempt on Foltest's life - a quest that would answer many questions...

Brief story's description

The player takes the role of Geralt, a professional monster slayer who became embroiled in the political turmoil in the Kingdom of Temeria by helping to squash the rebellion undertaken by the Order of Flaming Rose, and who saved the King’s life by protecting him from a witcher-like assassin. In the second part of the saga, Geralt remains at the center of political events. He begins his quest to reveal the identity of a group of assassins responsible for the slaying of rulers across the Northern Kingdoms, to find their connection to witchers, and to discover their motives. His investigation will lead him up the river Pontar, into the turbulent borderland between Temeria, Kaedwen and Aedrin, where he will be entangled in a conflict between the most powerful forces of this world.

- Game begins two months after TW1 events and continues its plot
- Story focuses on two main plains – searching for Northern Kingdoms lords’ killers and finding his own identity by Geralt
- Events between Geralt’s in-book death as well as the amnesia thing will be explained
- The main story - line will be at least as long*** as it was in TW1 (40 hours). Side quests expand it 2-3 times ***Game’s not finished yet, we can’t tell its exact length (Sekarang sih udah finish)
- There will be about 40 big, nonlinear quests in TW2
- No FedEx quests

- Game consists of prologue + 3 acts + epilogue
- Prologue can be started in different 3 ways, including TW1 save’s load
- Save load could import swords, armor and some of the character’s attributes. The most important choices from TW1 will somehow affect TW2’s gameplay
- These, who don’t have save, but remember choices made in TW1 will be able to quick – define them
- TW2 will have 16 endings, they will be influenced by our alliances, attitude to various social groups in-game, political decisions etc.
- Moral choices – of course stay. Flashback system will be more fluently composed with gameplay
- Geralt will have few non-playable companions (for example – Triss) to ask for help in some situations
- We’re going to meet few friends known from TW1 – as for now we know about Tiss, Zoltan, Dandelion, Foltest
- It's very likely that there will be no place for Shani in TW2
- There will be Iorveth, Shilard Fitz-Oesterlen, Yarpen Zigrid in TW2, as well as (probably) Filippa Eilhart and other (as for now - unknown) characters from Saga, not present in TW1
- TW2 has 130k dialogue lines
- There will be 256 cutscenes in TW2 of overall length about 150 minutes (TW1 – 130 cutscenes / 53 minutes)
- Story and dialogues were written by the same people that created TW1
- Artur Ganszyniec (TW1’s and TW2’s lead story writer) has quitted RED by the end of Feb 2010. It won’t influence story’s quality, as it has been completed by this time
- Andrzej Sapkowski wasn’t co-making TW2

Gameplay System
- Rolling heads, swears, nudity – these things are to stay – game’s still gonna be mature and violent
- Erotica will be integral part of in-game life, not a mini game. No sex cards - this time we're gonna get cutscenes
- There will be a dynamic camera in dialogues
- In some, requiring a swift decision, dialogues, there will a clock appear. If you don’t pick a dialogue option in given time, game will do it for you (like it worked in Heavy Rain)
- Dialogue options will show the shortened version of what Geralt is about to say (like it worked in Mass Effect, but without "I pick blue, I'm a good guy --- I pick red, I'm a bad guy" thing)
- NPCs are ‘living their lives’ now, following their daily routine and reacting to players current and previous actions (house robbing ends now!), but also to other in-game events. There won’t be villagers drinking in a pub 24/7

- There will be a few fractions of opposite needs in each location. Our alliances to them will decide about available side quests, people’s attitude etc.
- Locations are to be few times bigger and much more varied than in TW1, each of them is to have own graphical style and climat
- There will be "find-me" items in TW2, giving exp when found
- Just like in TW1, no returning to locations from previous acts
- No horses
- There will be all old (known from TW1) mini games + 1 new - arm-wrestling
- Geralt’s ponytail – stays.
- All characters’ models were done from zero
- Life bars and status info are staying "on" characters
- Interface will be rebuilt and simplified in comparison to TW2
- Some quests will enable / request to play not Geralt, but some other NPC - for example, Dandelion

  Combat & Character's Development
 - There will be 4 difficulty levels – easy, medium, hard, insane
- Insane difficulty is gonna be a pro mode - where death means that game restarts from zero
- Insane level will be unclocked after completing game on hard
- If someone’s not interested into fighting – he may play on “easy” and don’t give a shi.t about potions, swords etc.

- No level scaling. Dragging an inexperienced character to dangerous locations – it’s a suicide
- Damage will depend rather on Geralt’s stats nor player abilities – TW2 stays cRPG, not an action – adventure game
- Just like in TW1 - no friendly fire. However you'd be able to randomly attack story-non-important NPCs.
- In a sword – combat there will be fasts and strong strikes, but this time you can fluently swich between them in one combo (like: fast, fast, strong, fast). Without interrupting combo you could also block, dodge, use signs, petards etc…
- There will be three Geralt's archetypes in the game: sword-master, alchemist, signs-master. Depending on which archetype you’d choose, there will be different abilities available and bonuses
- Archetype will not only influence combat (for example, when sword-master fill adrenaline bar, he can become berserker for a while) but also dialogues (sword-master can intimidate opponent, sign-master can use sign to achieve the same effect)
- Acquiring new abilities (from about 50 available) will have immediate effects in game – no passive abilities like “+10 to intelligence”

- New mutagen system allows to modify effects of particular feature, like sign: increase its power / amount of targets
- Alchemy’s available only before fight, not while it
- Meditation’s gonna be possible every time, everywhere, but now it can be disturbed by the world
- Geralt knows all signs from TW1 at the beginning of TW2
- +1 sign - HELIOTROP (means there are 6 of them)
- TW2 will use a completely new set of finishers
- It’s gonna be important to use witcher’s knowledge about monsters
- There will be new monsters, as well as those known from TW1
- Monsters will differ from each other within kinds (one troll looks different from another)
- Armor will have more parts – there are ARMOR + GAUNTLETS + BOOTS + TROUSERS now – armor could be upgraded
- Swords could be upgraded or created from zero from available parts
- Similar items will have random stats
- There will be scabbards in TW2. Blades will be placed just like this on Geralt's back
- Geralt still can’t use bow / crossbow, however he is able to use some of the throwing weapons, for example - knives 
system requirement:Minimal
- OS: Win XP / Vista / Win 7
- Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.2 GHz or AMD Athlon x2 2.5 GHz
- Memory: 1 GB for XP / 2 GB for Vista, W7
- Graphics: Nvidia GF 8800, 512 MB VRAM or AMD HD 3850, 512 MB VRAM
- Hard Drive: 8GB for game and 8GB bonus content

- OS: Win XP / Vista / Win 7
- Processor: Intel or AMD quad-core
- Memory: 3 GB for XP / 4 GB for Vista, W7
- Graphics: Nvidia GTX 260, 1024 MB VRAM or AMD HD 4850, 1024 MB VRAM
- Hard Drive: 8GB for game and 8GB bonus content 
Sumber: Kaskus
The Witcher 2 : Assasins Of Kings The Witcher 2 : Assasins Of Kings Reviewed by Fachrul on 11:16 AM Rating: 5

